One Font, 370 Icons
In a single collection, Font Awesome is a pictographic language of web-related actions.
No JavaScript Required
Fewer compatibility concerns because Font Awesome doesn’t require JavaScript.
Infinite Scalability
Scalable vector graphics means every icon looks awesome at any size.
Free, as in Speech
Font Awesome is completely free for commercial use. Check out the license.
CSS Control
Easily style icon color, size, shadow, and anything that’s possible with CSS.
Perfect on Retina Displays
Font Awesome icons are vectors, which mean they’re gorgeous on high-resolution displays.
Made for Bootstrap
Designed from scratch to be fully compatible with Bootstrap 3.0.0.
Desktop Friendly
To use on the desktop or for a complete set of vectors, check out the cheatsheet.
Screen Reader Compatible
Font Awesome won’t trip up screen readers, unlike other icon fonts.